Rotary 201595340 CPU REPLACEMENT KIT 20913+CCD, REPLACED VS20166




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Rotary CCD Aligner Parts

This part number contains:  New Front CPU ( Red) + 2 CCD Array Boards

New boards, identified by a red color, are not backward compatible with the current CCD arrays in the cameras. Therefore, the new red boards will require updated CCD array boards in the cameras. This change pertains to Rotary R1060, R1065, and the R1070 wheel aligners. When updating the sensor to the new red CPU board, both CCD array boards must be updated to the new part # 21232.

One sensor head may be updated and will work correctly with the three other sensor heads.

New CCD array boards ARE backward compatible and can be used with the original green CPU boards.

Two kits have been developed containing one front or rear red CPU board and two CCD arrays:

Front 201595340 

Rear 201595350

A sticker can identify the new CCD array boards with part # 21232.

These components are also available separately if you are servicing a sensor that contains the newer-style red CPU board:

CCD Sensor CPU Board Front ( Red ) : VS21293

CCD Sensor CPU Board Rear ( Red ) : VS21294

CCD Array Board:  VS21232

The new boards have connectors in different locations than old ones.

When replacing a sensor head CPU board, you must program the head's position and calibrate the full set of sensors.

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