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Rotary AR55W Parts Diagram

Diagrams are for reference only.
  • These diagrams are one version of many possible variations. We cannot be held responsible for errors
  • It is important that you call to us, to verify the parts you need are indeed what is listed.
  • Parts returned due to diagram variations will be subject to the normal restocking fees listed in our Terms and Conditions.


R.H. (Adjust.) Runway Assembly S120344 L.H. (Fixed) Runway Assembly (Includes cylinder, cables and sheaves) S110110 1/2 Wheel Stop FC5804-19 Ramp Chock Assembly LEFT S110090
 RIGHT S110091 5/32 5/8 Hinge Pin FC134-99 Ramp Chock S120072 Ramp Chock Slide FC134-33 #10-24 PNHDMS x 3/4 #10-24 Hex Nut 40633 Triangular Wheel Chock FC320 Hydraulic Cylinder S130002 Cable Pull Bar S120075 Cable Retaining Bar S120068 1 3/8 1 3/8 Front Yoke S120308 Front Yoke Ass'y. (Including Latches) S110103 Rear Yoke S120309 Rear Yoke Ass'y. (Including Latches) S110104 Column S110049 Power Unit Column S120345 Power Unit *P1165/P3165 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Latch Bar S120312 3/4 3/4 Turning Radius Gauge Assembly FA5157 Turntable Guide Bar S120196 Retaining Cable S130043 Control Box FA7490 1/4 Toe Guard Switch S130050 5/16 5/16 Sheave Pin Standard FC5224-21 Sheave FC5804-2 Yoke Sheave Spacer FC5927-10 Slider FC5706-16 1/4 Guard FC5802-18 1/4 Cotter Pin, 1/8 Latch Shaft FC5901-7 Washer FC5301-98 Changes to 41387 1/4 Clevis Pin FA2230-12 Latch FC5706-10 Spacer FC5706-9 3/8 Slack Cable Roller FC553-21 Kicker  S120103 Changes to S110017BK Extension Spring FC522-25 Clevis Pin S130051 1/4 Air Cylinder S110019 Elbow FC5224-39 Clevis FC5706-7 1/4 Limit Switch (1 Hole) S130139 Bolt and Nut 2 req'd. Right Front Cable S130076 Left Front Cable S130024 Right Rear Cable S130081 Left Rear Cable S130018 Sheave FC5804-2 Plastic Bearing FC5843-3 5/16 Sheave Pin FC555-1 Clevis Pin FC5346-1 3/16* x 1 1/4* Lg. Cotter Pin 41247 #10 - 24NC Slotted HHTS x 5/8* Lg. 40029 Clamp FA2239-1 Strip Grommet FC5317-12 Hose FC5798 1/4* Airline Tubing (50' roll) FA2230-2 1/4* Airline Tubing (50' roll) FA2230-2 1/4* Airline Tubing (50' roll) FA2230-2 Union Tee FC5225-46 Union FC5225-98 Left Front Switch FC5916-12 Right Front Switch FC5916-13 Left Rear Switch FC5888-12 Right Rear Switch FC5888-13 #10-24 x 3/4 #10-24 Nylon Lock Nut 40811 Adapter Bracket S120612 Elbow FC147-7 Elbow FC147-7 Filter/Regulator/Lubricator S130080 Recoil Hose FC147-14 Male Elbow FC147-7 Female Bulkhead FC147-1 Runway Tubing FC147-6 Tubing FC5313-2 Male Run Tee FC147-3 Male Branch Tee FC147-5 1/4 Airline Retainer Cable (182 Recoil Hose - 3/8 3/8 Retainer Bracket FC147-9 3/8 3/8

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