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Rotary MR6E Parts Diagram

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Diagrams are for reference only.

These diagrams are one version of many possible variations. We cannot be held responsible for errors. 

It is important that you call to us, to verify the parts you need are indeed what is listed.

Parts returned due to diagram variations will be subject to the normal restocking fees listed in our Terms and Conditions.


Superstructure Assembly FJ857 Base Assembly FJ856 1/4-28 Thin Ht. Hex Jam Nut-Z 40144 HOSE 3/8 X 216inch FJ85 Cylinder Clip FJ294-4 Pin FJ862 Locking Leg Assembly FJ861 Pin Retainer FJ863 3/4 1/8 X 1 1/4 COTTER PIN 41201 Hydraulic Cylinder FJ860 1/8 x 1 COTTER PIN S107 41200 Machinery Bushing Washer FJ2252-4 Release Handle FJ2294-3 End Cap FJ2281-8 Power Unit P787 Power Unit Stand FJ864 3/8 Wheel Spotting Dish FF729-1 Drive Anchor FJ7659-2 End Cap FJ2281-8 Nut FJ2252-3 Hinge Bushing FJ2264-21 Nut FJ2252-3 Hinge Bushing FJ2264-21 5/8-11NC X 7 HHCS GR 8 40358 5/8-11NC X 7 HHCS GR 8 40358 Front Leg Assembly FJ858 Rear Leg Assembly FJ859 Adapter Retainer Kit (Set of 4) FJ2261 Swivel Arm Adapter Assembly FJ2311 Swivel Arm Adapter Assembly FJ2311 3/32 3/32 Adapter Pin FJ671-3 Changes to FJ6179IP Low Step Adapter FJ671-2 High Step Adapter FJ671-1 Changes to FJ671-8YL Swivel Arm / Adapter Base - Adapter Swivel Pin FJ79-6

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