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E|Q Tire Changer Motor Air Distributor RP6-12999 | Replaces RP6-0612

Parts Made for Machines Like E|Q
RP6-12999 10 in stock


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The air distributor is the plastic ring with many many holes all around it, having a three stepped body, that sits in the bottom half of the motor case and seats up against the Rotor.

ORIGINAL FACTORY DEPTH of the OVAL holes is 4.65mm (3/16")(0.1845") . Discard depth varies on the condition of your rotor, but 1mm is certainly a point of failure that we have seen often.


  • This is a wear item, and has a high rate of failure in a high volume shop. It is a likely part for replacement if the motor is still smooth, but very slow. Other symptoms can also point to this part as having failed.

  • If you have troubles with your arm movement;It is likely stuck together at the arms because the machine has naturally worn down the air distributor inside the motor.  

  • When the air distributor wears down, it fails in the counter-clockwise direction first, and that direction controls the contraction of the arms. The purpose for the distributor to wear that way is to avoid getting a wheel stuck on the machine

  • If you find all the circumstances point to the distributor needs to be replaced, check the rotor, and pistons prior to placing the order. The pistons and rotor can crack, allowing an air leak that makes the pistons fire late, causing a knock, or growl. The top of the rotor is bolted to the crank, and can loosen, causing damage to the rotor,These bolts need to checked for tightness, and the condition of the plastic gusseting on the rotor.

Installation needs to include indexing the installation position. Indexing the distributor onto the case pins is critical for operation, and must be done correctly. There are two different positions that indexing could be done from a logical assumption, but needs to be done as the illustration below directs;


  As with all air operated devices, we recommend periodically checking to make sure your lubricator/oiler is functioning and full of oil. By doing this, it will help prevent premature part failure. 

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